+ 7 (499) 70-777-99
The best solutions only
1-ya Vladimirskaya 10A, office no 8A


About Us

"AG Alliance" LLC exists since 2009. During this period we assembled a team of highly skilled professionals. Our core business is the promotion of the modern high-quality equipment for the fire protection systems for different objects to the Russian market and markets of the CIS countries. We are the official Russian representatives of some of the most reliable European manufacturers. Moreover, we are carrying import substitution work, looking for an opportunity to replace the fire-fighting equipment with analogues of domestic origin, including analogues of our own production, successfully sidestepping a problem of the systems performance decrease. Import substitution makes it possible to minimize the prices of your fire protection solutions.
Direct deliveries
We are official representatives of some of the most reliable European manufacturers of equipment for fire safety in Russia .
We provide technical advice with design institutes for such large customers as the PAO "Tatneft" , OJSC "Surgutneftegas" , "Lukoil ", OJSC " Rosneft " and others .
Import substitution
We are looking for the opportunity to replace the fire-fighting equipment analogues of domestic producers , including analogs of own production .